Save RedNews for 2022/23

We need YOU Reds. Please subscribe + support so it’s not over for Utd’s first fanzine.RedNews is 35 years old this month. Is this it for RedNews then? We hope not! Our annual Sub campaign is now open here.

If you believe in fanzines, and the voice RedNews offers, please do support us if you can.Can you be one of the 375 Reds that keeps RedNews going for the year ahead?We need to reach that target for the fanzine to survive next season. Support us or lose us.Dear Red,We’re hope you’re ok and doing alright – as you’ve supported us in the past we hope you don’t mind us contacting you at the launch of our annual campaign. We’re going live now as we feel we need as much time as possible to hit target.

With your support in the coming weeks we can fight on for another year. But it does come down to you Reds, our dear readers and supporters and those who want to pledge and support the fanzine – and whether you are able to give us another year of the vital pledges that keep us going in our annual sub campaign.We need you now, more than ever. It is that much more difficult each season to keep on, hence, this. And we think our unique voice is still worth maintaining, and fighting for.For its YOUR support, those of you who have supported RN in the past, by subscribing for the year ahead that is central to the campaign reaching its target. If we don’t make target, we don’t think we can continue.RedNews is 35 years old this month. Surreal as it seems, we first started selling on 20th April 1987 against them, and here we still are. Your voice, your views. The world changes, we adapt with it, but still at RedNews’ core, the simple fanzine ethos that we have maintained for all these years. Your opinions. Your views. 100% unofficial, and no company or media chain behind us – just us. Amateurs, and that’s how we like it. But holding the powers that be to account and try (try!) and have a laugh. A small dot on the OT landscape, but an enjoyable, unique one at that.We want to keep being that small but loud, strong and passionate vehicle and voice for Reds – but print and distribution and post costs continue to rise, quite dramatically (- but we want to remain in print, to be a visual prod to the powers that be so they can see us selling each matchday), alongside cultural changes at the ground affecting sales, let alone the events of the past two years. So this sub campaign is the only way to survive each season. Some say ‘pack it then’ – well, simple truth, we don’t want to yet. We still love doing this. So much more left to say. And we aren’t raising the print price again despite the cost rises because we don’t think that would be fair on you.We know times are hard. We just about managed to get through behind closed doors, due to your ongoing support. It really is a fight for survival for us now each season. We’d rather not do this, but, it is what it is – we have to.The podcasts (give it a go, we think it’s enjoyable nonsense), forum, all stem from the fanzine. And if you enjoy what we do, believe in what we do and what a fanzine is there for, please support us before July 31st so we can reach our target. It’s not just liking a post that says ‘support the fanzines’ – it’s this real, categoric support YOU can provide by subbing here.The target is 375. That is a large figure for us, a huge landmark – and means we’ve made it for 2022/23. Your support means we keep on, keep holding *them* to account. Fighting the likes of the ESL and our debt ridden and costly ownership. All the bull&*&*. Always! Provide laughs, a few tears, but always YOUR voice. Way different from the mainstream. Because it’s by fans, for fans.We don’t want to call it a day – but that is now out of our hands and into those of our great MUFC community, near or far, one we take pride in, YOU. Reds who get it, what a fanzine is, and stands for. Last year we reached 471 Reds subscribing for the year; an incredible achievement.Thanks to every single one of you who can support.You can subscribe for the first time, renew your sub (we’ll add the extra year to how long you have left); just choose Print or PDF format. And you can also donate if you wish which all goes in the kitty to continue.We will only email you twice about this campaign if that is ok; today and in its last week. (let us know if you don’t want the 2nd email and please note we NEVER pass your details on, to anybody).And please do spread the word about this, by word of mouth/social media, it helps a great deal.We know there are so many mediums seeking your attention – we’re just grateful that you still want to also view things via RedNews as well. Seriously, thank you. You have no idea what it means to have had your support behind us over all these years.The plan for next season is to keep with double issues. We like the extensive additional features and pages and views each provide, plus it also gives us the space to cope with any bad matchday weather and poorer matchday sales. It will definitely be six mags, but we may produce a 7th depending on how things are. If there is a 7th mag next season, this will be included with no extra charge in the year sub as well as the six prior to it – whatever, you are definitely getting six double mags next season.Thank you so much. And please take care of yourselves and please do keep/stay in touch; feedback, just a chat, or a vent, or get writing, we’re here to listen, how YOU are matters to us.As ever, any questions, just let me know.As ever, thanks Reds.Glory Glory Man United!Barney and all at RedNews.

PS. And you can still order the latest RedNews with exclusive Archie Knox interview here.

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